I just hope they are generally useful suggestions.
It occurred to me that a real-world use case tying some of these together might be useful.
You can probably begin to see it by looking at this:
The question there is really looking for ideas of what the infrasound “spike” at the end of the event is, but before getting there I wanted to see if this was a purely local event, or if other devices in the same geographical area had seen it too.
To do that required swapping back and forth between StationView (to find device IDs) and DataView to inspect the data from a chosen device, and to screen grab the trace from each station as I visited it so that I could compare them. It would have been so much easier if I could display several traces, then easily locate nearby devices to “attach” to those traces and display the same time-slice (or maybe RT stream) simultaneously.
That one example seemed to pull together most of the things I have mentioned.