Connecting GPS PPS output directly to GPIO thru Shake board

Hey guys,

I figured this one out, it’s not too difficult if you can solder. You’ll need a u-Blox with USB and UART pins on the same board. The bare board GPS bit is plug n play, the PPS is a single wire from the GPS unit to an unused GPIO pin (in this pic its soldered to the shake board GPIO8 but I will move it to one of the open GPIO header pins with a jumper shortly).

The board has battery backed up real time clock which also gives me 1-2 second satellite acquisition time.

PPS timing accuracy is about 1ms I think, give or take, which is a stratum-1 NTP server.

I’m not a linux guru but pretty handy with a soldering gun. External GPS antenna attaches to the gold SMA threaded socket on the left.

Shoot me a message if anyone wants to know how this was done.