Changing hostname

Hi Support

I have a RS4D and Boom and noticed they had the same hostname of ‘raspberryshake’ which is hindering my ability to monitor them as unique entities in home assistant (HA) using MQTT. In order to resolve this I changed the Boom’s hostname via raspi-config to ‘raspberryboom’ and was then able to successfully monitor them both in HA, displaying various system metrics. The reason for this is to keep an eye and setup notifications for high cpu temp as all my various environmental monitoring Pis including shakenets are in outdoor enclosures that may be prone to high summertime temperatures.

However, I’m now getting server connection: not connected on the boom. Have tired rebooting and leaving a few hours in case it needed time to re sync to your server.

Is there a shakenet application config file where I also need to change the hostname or does your server only recognise ‘raspberryshake’ as a valid hostname even for multiple devices on the same remote network? If I cannot use a different hostname then I’ll revert back and try to find another work around in MQ/HA.

I’ve checked the logs and can’t see any error related to my new hostname. I can resolve from the boom cli.



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can you please provide the log files so that we can have a look? the hostname is not relevant in any way to the operation of the unit, neither local to itself, nor in connecting to the server.

thanks in advance,