Cannot Download StationXML from StationView

My station is R74F8,
I Can’t Download Instrument Response from StationView, the StationXML is null.


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Hello Akari, and welcome back to the community!

Thank you for reporting this. Our team is aware of this bug and is actively working to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

If you require a metadata response file urgently, then you can use/adapt one of our templates, which can be found here: Metadata - Instrument Response Files

Instructions on how to edit the file you’ll download are included so that you can use it for your Shake. However, if any guidance is needed, just let us know.

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Thank you! Hopefully it will be fixed soon!


Hello Akari,

Just to let you know that the inventory problem has been fixed, and you should now be able to download all the response files you need.

Thank you for your patience.

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