Cannot access raspberry shake

I now have the same issue : Raspberry Shake 4D stopped reporting, then I could not access the web interface.
Does not show upon my router anymore ?
I purchased a new micro sd card and installed the software no change.
Had this running for years now with no issues.
It displays solid blue light/Solid Red light and flashing Green light.
POE lights are correct however the router does not see the RShake.
Checked all cat cables all good.
At a total loss now as to what to do next ?
Any help greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards,

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After days of no luck tried all info supplied purchased 3 SD cards followed instructions, bought 3 new lan cables still no luck. I get the feeling there is an issue with the RS-4D’s Ethernet connector as sometimes lights work and other times they don’t, sometimes they are off all the time when no lan cable is connected other times they are constantly on when no lan cable is connected and vice versa, tried connecting it direct to my laptop no luck. I have now given up.
This has run for years no issues. Maybe it is just old.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I just over it days of endless luck.
Kind Regards,

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Hi is there any Technical Support still available, or has it ended ?

Hello beaumariswx, and welcome back to the community.

I have moved your messages to a new dedicated topic so we can continue in tranquility.

If the lights on the LAN port are behaving “erratically”, as you described, there may be an issue with the Raspberry Pi board itself.

As you have already tried different microSD card re-burns and LAN cables, the only thing left to do would be to change the Pi board with a new one and see if that fixes the issue. If you do that, remember that your Shake name will change after, as it depends on the Pi board MAC address (Raspberry Shake Station Naming Convention).

As a last test before that, you could try disassembling the Shake, disconnecting the blue Shake board above the Pi board, and starting the Raspberry Pi only with its dedicated OS ( to see if the LAN port works.

If it doesn’t, you’ll have to change the Pi. If it does, instead, there may be something else at play that is causing your lack of connectivity.

I have been having the same issue with my Shake n Boom. Issue began when there was a power outage and so the Shake switched off without being shut-down. Normally I just get and set up a new SD card when that happens. However, I have now tried formatting and installing several new SD cards and tried several LAN cables. The Raspberry shake shows up on FING, but cannot connect to it with rs.local. All the lights seem to be as they are supposed to be. I really hope a solution can be suggested for this.

Hello mark, and welcome back to the community!

When you say, The Raspberry shake shows up on FING, have you tried accessing rs.local/ via the Shake IP address shown by the FING app?

What happens if you try the above? Do you get an error, a blank page, or other?

Thank you for the further troubleshooting.