Anyone else having problems with the FDSN server at Raspishake?

All day today I’ve been getting this error when I try to access the FDSN server.

The program hasn’t changed so I don’t believe the address is wrong. I have also reset the Spyder settings for this environment without success.

Anyone got any clues?



Yes, I have been getting the same error for several hours now.

obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNNoServiceException: No FDSN services could be discovered at ‘


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Thanks Mark!

Sometimes it’s good to know it’s just not me! lol!



Hello sheeny, Mark,

We are experiencing issues that prevent data from being displayed on some of our services such as fdsnws and dataview.

We are working to identify and fix the problem as soon as possible. I will update you when everything has been solved.

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience.


Seems to be working again now.


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Hello sheeny, Mark,

Yes, I have been informed that the services have been restored in full, and everything should be working fine now.

Has the FDSN problem resurfaced? I have been unable to download data in Obspy from RASPISHAKE on FDSN for the last two days. I can see the data on station view and download it directly from my Shake, so I know the data is being recorded. Thanks, Mark

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I am having issues also. I first noticed the issue when trying to get data for a quake that occurred at: 2023-01-14 05:55:24 (UTC). I am able to get data for this quake: 2023-01-12 14:21:57 (UTC)

raise FDSNNoDataException("No data available for request.",obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNNoDataException: No data available for request. HTTP Status code: 204

RS4D - RD29A
Chino Hills, Ca

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Likewise, I am able to get station channel data using wget but if I request waveforms for today, I get “No Content”. I am able to request data from earlier this month. Will wait and see.

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yes, we are in the process of moving to a new machine, and one unintentional side effect was the FDSNWS service is not working for data received after a couple of days ago… this will be fixed in the next couple of days. (this switch was supposed to be transparent… alas)

my apologies for the inconvenience; i will make an additional announcement here when this is working again like it should.


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Thank you for replying to the query, the link to fdsn is great and I’ve been missing it, so it’s good to know you are working on getting it back again. Thankfully the two big earthquakes were towards the beginning of last week and the last few days have been relatively quiet.

Best wishes,


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everything should be back to normal now.

and to be clear: there was no loss of data, only that the FDSNWS service was “temporarily unavailable”, as it were.

apologies again for the inconvenience,

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Hi Richard,

Thank you for maintaining this service, it is greatly appreciated. I have managed to run my daily routines this evening and they can access FDSN again, so all is back to normal.

Best wishes,



On Saturday evening there was a series of earthquakes only 16 km away from my station with 10 earthquakes in 45 minutes. My really good data was probably not visible for the services in Germany, the University of Cologne e.g. considers the data of the shakes.
It could have been a highlight for my hobby, this is very disappointing.
Kind regards

Shakenet is still not visible to other providers.


the FDSNWS interface remains the same as before.

and since i don’t know what their query looks like, or how they interface with the service, i’m unable to provide any more feedback than that.

if you are in a position to do so, please provide as much detail as possible, even more than you think might be necessary, the more the better.
