Another meteor maybe

Another daytime meteor spotted by the satellites and heard on the ground.

The loud explosion heard over SW PA earlier may have been a meteor explosion. This GOES-16 GLM Total Optical Energy product shows a flash that was not associated with lightning. No confirmation, but this is the most likely explanation at this time.

— NWS Pittsburgh (@NWSPittsburgh) January 1, 2022

One report says that unfortunately seismometers don’t respond to this frequency range. Well … Raspberry Shake does :wink:

Its likely that R6928 (near Indiana, PA) detected this. The timing is about right.

Unfortunately no RB’s near Pittsburg,



I was reading about this in a couple of articles yesterday.

It seems that, indeed, it was a meteor explosion that was recorded, around 30 tons of TNT equivalent. If the sky was clear, it would have surely been a very bright fireball, many many times the brightness of the full moon.

Great catch!

It seems that some of the nuclear test ban monitoring infra sound stations picked this up as well.
