Hello Community. Part of this message, maybe belongs somewhere else. Station
AM.R548A.00.SHZ is back on line.
I asked this request a couple of years back, with the fortune that some people replied. Can any of you shakers show an event from your device.? If I remenber it was Angel and Branden who gave me good info and settings (Filter) for noise (Swarm). To be fair, I have looked in the tutorial, however the events are so clean. Also other web sites .Was explained that the evnts on mine,even if there any are buried by noise.
I rely on EQInfo app to notify me of distant events strong enough to show up here on my RS-1D. If they look good, I copy the page into my Google Drive. Here are share-links to a few of them (I have many more):
This is EQInfo, a free Android (and very soon iPhone) app made by our friends at Gempa Geoservices. The app is available for Android via the Play Store: