my shake crashed while I was out of town. Reboot leads to new crash. I created a new boot disk (assuming memory was full or something), and that booted … and then crashed. I’m attaching the logs in the off chance this is something fixable.
RSH.R208C.2024-11-24T11_24_52.logs.tar (5.5 MB)
I have a plan B. I bought a backup device in 2022, booted it to allow the firmware to update to the latest then, and then have been waiting for R208C to die (It’s technology. It dies.). Because I couldn’t get R208C back today, I ripped-and-replaced it with R96B3.
But I can’t get R96B3 to save any configuration information, and it won’t start uploading data. It’s running .18 if that is a hint to what I’m seeing.
Is there a script on the device that I can use to set the configuration (ssh myshake@… works)? Or, is there a text file that I can edit that is sourced on boot?
Any suggestions?
I’ma untar the logs and see if there is anything in there that points to a local solution.
(edit 1) There are log files that say “no dns server found”, that was because I was not connected to the network with I put in the new microsd card. Can probably safely ignore those.
(edit 2) Plan: Patience, grasshopper. I’m going to let it update to .20 and see what happens.
Thank you,