Adding a second analog seismometer

Many years ago I built a swinging gate seismometer, which worked very well. I recently upgraded the magnets to NIB 42 and am getting a honking signal from the unit. I thought I saw a reference somewhere in the manual or the forums about adding additional seismic sensors to an existing unit. I have an RSnB. Is there a way to add this signal to my unit? I have a similar situation with adding a telluric current monitor. Your help would be appreciated.

Shake it till you make it,
David Drake
33n x 117w

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Hello David,

It is not possible to add another sensor to an existing Raspberry Shake model such as the ones we sell.

You could create a seismograph with different sensors compared to the ones we use when the RJAM board was still being sold. However, as we don’t sell it anymore, you could try looking for it on websites such as eBay or similar.

If I can help with something else, just let me know.

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