Able to view rs.local when RS is directly connected to computer, but not when RS is connected to router

I apologize if this question has been answered elsewhere on the forum, but I spent a few hours searching and could not figure out a solution.

About a year ago, I purchased an RS3D. I followed the Quick Start guide, plugged the device into my home router, and was able to get up and running in a matter of minutes. Awesome! After a couple weeks, I unplugged the RS3D from my home router and since then I have been exclusively connecting it directly to my computer to show live ground motions in courses and demos. I can still do this with no issues. However, when I try to reconnect the device to my home router, the device simply never connects. I am unable to access rs.local, and from both Fing and my router’s information page apparently the RS3D is not connecting to my home network. I tested the ethernet ports on my router with other devices, and they connect immediately, so I do not believe the issue lies with the router. I tried various combinations of power cycling the router and restarting the RS3D, with no luck.

I would appreciate any suggestions for how to get my RS3D back online. Thanks!


Hello mwh5316, and welcome to the community!

Great to read that your initial connection experience went as nominal as it could be!

From the fact that you are able to use the Shake in full when directly connected to your PC shows that the unit should be in good working status.

Let’s do some checks. When you try to connect the Shake to the router, are the two LEDs on the Ethernet port (one orange, which should be solid. Another green, which should be blinking when connected) ON, or do they remain turned OFF?

You have probably already tried this, from your message, but if you haven’t followed this exact sequence, could you try it?

  • turn off your Shake
  • disconnect all cables from it
  • restart your router and wait for it to regain internet connection
  • now reconnect LAN and power cable to the Shake in this order
  • turn on the Shake again

If the Shake still doesn’t connect to your home network, then could you connect it to your local PC, download its logs (from rs.local/), and send them to me?

Thank you for your collaboration.