A new Raspberryshake can not connect to the server


I got a new RS shake, but it can not be connected to the server.
Here is the log. I already turn off the stand-along.
Can you tell me why?
Thank youRSH.RE142.2020-02-18T21_02_53.logs.tar (591.5 KB)

hello han,

looking at the log files myshake.out and postboot.log, it appears your unit does not have proper access to a router or the internet. from the assigned IP address on the eth0 interface, it looks the unit is plugged in to your computer.

if this is true, your unit needs to be connected to a router that will provide DHCP services as well as direct access to the internet.

if this is not the case, you should investigate why the unit is unable to access the internet.

hope this helps,