4d Shake and a Boom - won’t boot

My shake 4D and my Boom (two devices) have been in storage for a couple of years. The both have sold Blue and sold Red leds and both are showing no network activity and are unreachable. Nor are they requesting IPs via DHCP.

I only have a Mac OS machine, and when I mount the SD cards I only see a volume called boot. I assume there is another partition that OSX can see.


With no access to windows, only with access to OSX, how do I image new micro SDs if needed.

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Hello sbuchan, and welcome to our community!

As only blue and red LEDs turn on when the Shake boots, I think it may be time to re-burn the microSD cards of both Shakes, just to be sure.

You can find what you require here: microSD card topics

However, the microSD formatting process (as you are using OSX) will differ since you don’t have access to the suggested DISKPART tool. I advise using either:

  1. diskutil from the command line (Disk Management From the Command-Line, Part 1 - The Instructional)
  2. the free software GParted, which you can download from here: https://gparted.org/

You can still follow the steps in the guide, but if you require any other assistance, just let me know.

EDIT: if you haven’t already, you could also try to use Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility to (de)partition the cards, but I am not 100% sure it will work.

Thank you. With new Micro SD cards, I was able to download and flash a new image and both the shae device and the boom device booted … I have a different issue with trying to get network settings to stick … but will open a new thread with logs on that.

Again, thanks for the support.


There’s no problem at all sbuchan, you’re more than welcome. Happy to hear that!

Absolutely, if you need anything else, just open a new thread and I’ll be there to help.