GPS timing accuracy

just a simple question. I’ve searched through the forum and read the technical specs, but it is still not clear to me if the +/- 10ms (1 sample at 100sps) timing accuracy refers to both NTP and GPS timing.
Here [NTP and GPS timing details] it seems that timing error with GPS dongle plugged in is zero.
Can anyone get back to me on this point?
Thank you very much

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hello diego,

i think the more complete explanation you are looking for is found in this post, as a reply to a similar question you had:

we will look to getting this information included in the manual.

let us know if you have any further questions,

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Hello Richard,
thanks for your reply.
I’ve already read the post you suggested. As far as I understand, when the time reference is given by GPS (and the unit is not connected to any NTP server) the timing accuracy is still 10ms, as you posted here [RS4D time synchronization - #8 by ivor].
This is due to the fact that the MCU clock of each unit has its very own drift. Is this correct?

Kind regards

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hi diego,

yes, your understanding is correct,

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