Email from Raspberry Shake saying station is down

I just recieved an email from Raspberry shake saying my station is down for at least the last 3 days; however, it shows up on station view with data.

Seems like everything is working and has been working fine. Anyone know what is going on?

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Same here, I think a short hiccup of the systems at ShakeNet, I only got one off-line message and I’ve got two on the same network and both are in Shakenet visible with current data.


I have also just received this message and my Raspberry Shake is definitely online. I can see data for the last several days, through the RS community in Swarm.


Hello denbolle, mjohnp,

Thank you for bringing this up to our attention. We will investigate and see what caused this issue.

I will update as soon as I have news.

Same issue for me as well. My Shake (RDE28) has been recording continuously during this period. I rebooted my Shake as suggested in the email to see if it fixes the connection to the server but have no way of checking that all is well because everything still looks fine at my end.


I got this message for just one of my 4 instruments, R0172. Can’t see any issues on its config page, nor in Data View.


Hello mrlentini, and rock_jockey, who I welcome back to the community. Thank you for this notification!

For you, and anyone who may come to this topic regarding the offline emails situation, please refer to our most recent announcement, thank you.


I got the same message this morning for AM.R21C0, but as far as I can see my station is still online.


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