Station disconnection & partial reconnection only

Dear Support,
one of our educational seismometers in the Swiss school network produces the following behaviour:
-all fine for a longer time
-then random disconnection and stop
-at automatic or manual relaunch, it only connects to dataview, not stationview
-it stops again a few days later
We had this problem now a number of times. Attached is the log file, please let us know how to proceed to fix the issue.
Many thanks in advance!
RSH.R0CD2.2022-05-16T13_39_22.logs.tar (2.6 MB)

Hello gyorgy,

thank you for contacting us about this issue you are experiencing with your 1D. And also, thank you for the logs that you have posted.

From them, it indeed appears that until the end of last year/start of this year everything was working fine with no problems. However, from somewhen during last February the Shake was not finding an internet connection anymore, as these lines show:

2022 129 10:17:56: Unable to resolve hostname '', most likely no DNS server available 2022 129 10:17:56: No internet connection found 2022 129 10:18:08: Unable to resolve hostname '', most likely no DNS server available

This problem is still present, so I would advise to check that the cable that the connects the Shake to your modem/router/network is still in working state (you can easily test it by using another device) and maybe try to replace it with another CAT6 or superior LAN cable.

Also, please ask your IT managers if anything has changed in the school network configuration. It may be that the unit has to be allowed permanently again in their firewalls, or maybe re-added if it has been removed by mistake.

Let us know!