Rs.local shows continuous uptime but gaps in helicorder

Hi. My shake is showing continuous uptime since the last power outage about 15 days ago. However, in the last week or so there are gaps in my local helicorder records. These seem to be getting bigger and more frequent. some screenshots below and log files attached.

My setup is documented in The shake is seperated from the raspberry pi by about 3m of coax cable, and uses MAX3232 modules to connect. The shake is in a sealed PVC pipe and concreted in a posthole about 1.5 metres underground.

We have had quite a bit of rain recently, so there is chance moisture has penetrated the electronics, however, the system has been in place since 2017 and has tolerated wet weather previously.

Any insights would be appreciated. Thankyou. Gerard

RSH.R9A9D.2024-11-19T04_32_53.logs.tar (4.3 MB)

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Hello Gerard, it’s great to hear from you again!

Thank you for the recap on your setup; I remember working on that page while upgrading our manual with my colleagues.

Such gaps are usually associated with a lack of power supply, which sometimes follows the behavior you have noticed (growing wider and wider as time goes on).

However, from your logs, there are also many buffer overflow! errors, which can be associated with different causes, such as possible hardware issues, corrupted data/software on the microSD card, or others.

I would recommend, if you haven’t already checked, to:

  1. See if the power supply you are using continuously provides the required (if I remember correctly) 1.2A for the PiZero. If you have another available, switch them and see if the gaps are still there or if they disappear.
  2. If you have already verified the above, and the power supply is not an issue, then I would recommend re-burning the microSD card to ensure the last power outage hasn’t affected it. If needed (you probably have this already) you can find the latest Shake OS image+instructions here: microSD card topics
  3. The last check you can do (probably the hardest with your installation) is to see if the hardware you are using is still in good working conditions, particularly due to the heavy rains you have experienced.

If you need anything else, let us know!

Thanks so much for the prompt response. It is still raining here, hopefully tomorrow it will be drier and I can put a meter on the power supply. I have a 18Volt line going out to my equipment set up in the outside Stevensen Screen. I have a 5volt regulator that powers the Pi/Shake and my weather station. Will start by checking that, then if necessary trying a fresh microSD and image. Hopefully will not need to get to Step 3.

I continue to appreciate and marvel the wonderful raspberry shake project. It gives me a lot joy and interest. (I think my highlight was when we expereinced a rare, but small earth tremor, about 100km from here a few years ago and my shake record was used by GeoSciences Australia in their solution.) Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the project.



And we always continue to appreciate the enthusiasm and dedication of all our Shakers. Some of the projects that came out of our instruments were far beyond whatever we could have imagined!

So, thank you!

Amazing result with GSA; I could feel your excitement from your words.

Let me know how your checks go, and yes, I hope we’ll not need to reach point 3) either.