Preserving waveform data locally

Recently, the Seismological Association of Australia (SAA) started adding Shake data into their analyses. I pointed out that an EQ on 2022 Jan 25 05:20UT near Ulan (NSW, Australia) had their derived epicenter only ~10km from R9AF3. The nearest stations used in the analysis were 107km and 157km distant. The saved helicord gif trace of R9AF3 for that 12h period clearly shows the EQ, but when the SAA tried to retrieve the data from Raspberry Shake, it returned:

Error 404: Not Found

** no waveform data found**

There are of course many ways the data can be lost (e.g. never reaching Panama), so I would prefer to secure the data locally, as a backup, for the several Shakes I operate. Reading:

it isn’t clear to me whether this still sends the data to Raspberry Shake in Panama as usual.

I can later deal with how to access the locally saved waveforms to forward events to the SAA, should the data not be available from you.

Best wishes.


Hello orez, and welcome back to the community!

To answer your question, the two things (local USB storage and data transmission to our server) are not mutually exclusive, and you can have both solutions working at the same time. Or not, if you decide to do so. It depends on how you would like to configure your Shakes.

For example, you can decide to both save data to an external USB drive and transmit it to our Raspberry Shake servers. In this case:

  1. You would install the USB drive as shown on the page you linked. And,
  2. You would “tick” the Forward Data box in the Shake rs.local/ configuration page.

On the other side, you can also decide only to save data to an external USB. In this case, you would:

  1. Install the USB drive as above. And,
  2. “untick” the Forward Data box on the configuration page.

I’ll also check with our server team to see if there is something on our side that can be done regarding the missing data.

And, if I can help for anything else, just let me know.

The instructions on the “How to mount a USB to store the waveform archive” page (referenced by orez, above), provide instructions to format and mount a USB drive using the Raspberry Shake local waveform archive location (/opt/data/archive) as the mount point. A similar method can be used to archive the waveform data to a network drive.

There is a problem, however, in that the Raspberry Shake settings Setting > Data page will only allow a maximum of 360 days storage, even when there is no practical data size limit on either large USB drives or network drives.

Is there any way to increase (or even eliminate) this limit when storing directly to a USB or network archive?



Hello orez,

To update you on this, FDSNWS data access has been restored, and you can now download the waveforms from that time again.

This is the query I used to retrieve data for that earthquake from your Shake:

And this is what the .mSEED file shows once opened:

Thank you again for your notification. If we can help with anything else, let us know.

Hello dlfowler,

That is a very interesting question! I have forwarded it to our software team to see if there is a procedure you can follow to increase that value beyond the 360-day limit.

I’ll let you know as soon as I get a reply from them.

Thank you, Stormchaser. This is actually something I’ve been wondering about for several years. I realize data can be accessed through the FDSN wave server, but as recent history has shown, that is not always available, and even when it is, it is, due to various issues with the internet, it is often not complete (there are many gaps in the record). I also realize that the 360 day limit was created due to the limited storage capacity of microSD cards, but this is not necessary if the waveform data is being stored on other large capacity and reliable media. I volunteer with two educational institutions where it would be very nice to be able to access historical data locally.

Thanks again. I look forward to a solution.

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