Mobile network

Hey all,

So I am a graduate student interested in eventually using a number of Raspberry Shakes to set up a small network to do some research for my project. I would like to ask can use the mobile network card to connect in Raspberry Shake(R3SD) because I can’t connect to the network cable at the scene


Hello Yoi, welcome to our community!

It’s always great to hear from students and enthusiasts, among others, who are planning project with our Shakes!

Yes, it is possible to connect your Shake via mobile network (3G, GPRS, or similar) if the instruments are in the field, or unable to be connected via LAN cable, and it is discussed here on our manual: How to setup USB GPRS — Instructions on Setting Up Your Raspberry Shake

However, as there are many types of 3G modems/ dongles and each of their installations/ configurations is completely different. The examples in the page can be taken as a reference and provide you with an idea what needs to be done.

Looking forward to your results!