I’ve been noticing intermittent data gaps in my Raspberry Shake recordings, where certain time periods show missing seismic data. The device is properly powered, and my internet connection is stable, but the issue persists. Could this be related to buffering, SD card wear, or a network issue?
I’ve tried restarting the unit and checking my station logs, but I’m not sure what specific errors to look for. Are there best practices for diagnosing and resolving these gaps? Would upgrading the SD card or tweaking network settings help? I have checked https://manual.raspberryshake.org/Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation guide for reference .
Any advice or troubleshooting steps from experienced users would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to resolving this issue and improving my data consistency!
I have an RS3D operating with a Pi 4 processor. I was experiencing data dropouts after it had been operating for a while. I had tried several things and after some power monitoring, I finally decided it must have been lack of current capability by the power supply.
I was on the right track but came to the wrong conclusion. The Pi, with the digitizer board is very sensitive to the voltage level of the power supply. I had plenty of current but the voltage was dipping down to 5 volts, sometimes a touch below that. The Pi with the RS setup really wants to operate at around 5.2 volts. I put a good fanless heat sink on the Pi and set up a power supply that maintains 5.2 to 5.3 volts and it is happy as a clam. No more dropouts.
Now I am working on a power line filter that I can install right at the input to the Pi. I hope this information helps solve your issue.
As EdRek (welcome to the community too!) said, intermittent data gaps are often connected with unreliable/faulty or insufficient power supply.
I would recommend checking if the current power supply you are using is continuing to deliver a stable voltage between 5.0 and 5.2V and a current of at least 2.5A at all times, as a decrease in power could lead to data services interruption. If you have another Pi power supply that you know is in working condition, please try to exchange the current one with that, and see if the Shake now properly works for longer.