FDSN Server on https://data.raspberryshake.org down?

Is the server down? I haven’t been able to get data for a few days now.

Hello TideMan, welcome back to the community!

I’ve checked this morning (UTC time) but everything appears to be all right. Where were you finding the problem? On our builder, via Python/Obspy, or another method?

If you have it, could you post the error message that was displayed? Thank you.

This (generated by the builder) doesn’t work for me:

I get a file called “query” where I was expecting a .mseed file.
Looking back, my routines worked OK up until 30 Jan, but since then they have crashed with the output file that is attached.temp.mseed (185 Bytes). It’s a file with html format that says “301 is moved permanently”

Hello TideMan,

I’ve tried the link with your and different stations (mine, with a sampling rate of 100sps, and also other 1Ds with a sampling rate of 50sps) and all appear to be fine. I also get a file called query, which you can rename (or even better, you can let your routines do it for you) as anything you prefer, like data.mseed, to be then used for any application/software you have in mind.

I’ve tried to replicate the output of your temp.mseed, but without success. Could you please try to run your routines again, and see if that specific output pops up again? Thank you.

I found it!
The server name has changed from:

This must have occurred around 30 Jan 2023 when my routines stopped working.

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Hello TideMan,

Yes, the address of our FDSNWS service has been changed to data.raspberryshake.org.

As I saw this https://data.raspberryshake.org/fdsnws/ in the link you sent in the previous message, I thought that you were aware of this and that the problem was located elsewhere. It is unlikely that the service address will change again, so you can rest assured that your routines will now work with the new FDSNWS!

Looking back at my records, I’ve been using the old FDSNWS server since Oct 2018. Let’s hope the new one lasts as long!